The Green History
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The history of The Green

The Green has been around since 1822 - 1826, built by Grainger and Dobson.  The housing around the green was all the same brickwork, now days there is only one of those original buildings still standing, the other original buildings were demolished and the last buildings standing in their places before Eldon Square were demolished around 1970.  Shortly after the buildings were demolished constuction work began on Eldon Square. 

  By 1890 the area of Old Eldon Square was a neglected, overgrown garden which was isolated by wooden fencing.  More attention was payed to the green when the first world war began then the grass was trimmed, flowers were arranged around the area and the wooden fencing was replaced with a decorative fence made from stone and black railings. In 1976 Eldon Square was finally opened with a 99 year tenancy agreement with CSC and Shell.  The North, West and South buildings were demolished to make room for it as the East building still stands and is a listed building.

The monument wasn't always there, it was originally a block of stone with decorative street lights on top surrounded by benches.  There was a target of buying a monument for the green for 婵炴垶鎸搁張顒傗偓?5,000, but went slightly over the budget.  The memorial was designed by C L Hartwell who designed it in the first world war specially for the men of Newcastle who faught and died in the 2 world wars and any other wars to come.  The memorial was introduced to the public in a big opening on Wednesday the 26th of September 1923 by a man called Earl Haig of Bemersyde as a memorial and trubute to the lost soldiers who faught for our country.  There were 2 bronze plates put on the sides of the monument to represent Peace and Justice.  In 1974 the council planned to remove the memorial from Eldon Square grounds which got bad feedback from the public, since then the statue has been listed and is not allowed to be moved or altered in any way.

The first group of young people to begin going to the green were the skaters who used the memorial as part of their play area.  When the council noticed this they immediately removed everything leaving only the memorial and damaged grass.  Back in the 1800s the trees surrounding the green were skinny, then coming upto the late 1900s they began to grow very big and very thick, so they were removed by the council and replaced for new skinny trees.  Over the past 5 years the green has been slowly put back to how it used to be in the early 1800s, the old fence was put back up 3 years ago along with the road along the side of the green, plant pots and a range of colourful flowers have been put back and the original paths are being fitted back in within the next 2 years.

  The Green - 1826